चित्रपट-नाट्यक्षेत्रात आपला ठसा उमटवला... ते बहुआयामी, बहुरूपी व्यक्तिमत्त्व होते... खरेतर अभिनयाचे विद्यापीठच होते... ते होते निळू फुले अर्थात, निळूभाऊ. त्यांच्या नावाची अकादमी पुण्यात उभी राहतेय.
"सामना', "सिंहासन', "जैत रे जैत' हे मराठी चित्रपट असोत किंवा "कुली', "सारांश', "मशाल'सारखे हिंदी चित्रपट असोत अथवा "सखाराम बाईंडर'सारखे नाटक असो. त्यांनी आपल्या प्रत्येक भूमिकेतून प्रेक्षकांच्या मनावर आपल्या अभिनयाचा ठसा उमटवला. त्यांच्या आठवणी जतन करण्यासाठी, नव्या पिढीला "अभिनय' समजण्यासाठी सेवा दलाने त्यांच्या नावाची अकादमी सुरू करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे.
निळूभाऊंच्या अभिनयाचा प्रवास सेवा दलातील कलापथकापासून झाला.राष्ट्र सेवा दलाने त्यासाठी पुढाकार घेतला असून, १५ एप्रिलपासून या अकादमीचा प्रारंभ होत आहे.
Nilu Phule was an Indian actor known for his roles in the Marathi language movies and Marathi theatre. Nilu Phule had acted in around 250 Marathi and Hindi movies during his film career.Nilu Phule began his theatrical career with the Marathi folk performances (loknatya).His first professional drama was Katha Akalecha Kandyachi, which went on to have over 2000 shows. It was based on this success that he was offered his first movie Ek Gaav Baara Bhanagadi, by Anant Mane in 1968.Nilu often played villains; most notably his portrayal of Sakharam Binder, an exploiter of women for sexual desires.Some of his notable film roles include: a power-drunk politician in Mahesh Bhatt's Saaransh, a political journalist in Jabbar Patel's Sinhasan, and a sugar tycoon in Jabbar Patel's Saamna.One of Phule's most notable theatrical performances include his role as the eponymous hero of Vijay Tendulkar's Sakharam Binder.Kamlakar Sarang, who directed the first production of the play in 1972, was apprehensive of Phule's reticence. However, he was convinced that Phule would be fit for the role, when Vijay Tendulkar reminded him of Phule's aggressive performance as a minister in another play, Katha Aklechya Kandyachi.According to Phule, his acting style was influenced by Hollywood films like Double Life, Gone With The Wind and Roman Holiday.Nilu Phule died on 13 July 2009, aged 78, from esophageal cancer. He is survived by his wife, Rajani Phule, and their daughter, Gargi Phule Thatte.